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List  of Journal Publications


  1. SM Ashiqul Islam, Tanvir Sajed, Christopher Michel Kearney, and Erich J. Baker. "PredSTP: a highly accurate SVM based model to predict sequential cystine stabilized peptides." BMC bioinformatics16, no. 1 (2015): 210.

  2. Md Mursalin Khan, SM Ashiqul Islam, and Ahmed Mustafa. "Identification of Stress-Related Molecular Biomarkers in Zebrafish Employing an In-Silico Approach to Access Toxicity based Risks in Aquaculture." Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences (2015).

  3. SM Ashiqul Islam, Benjamin J. Heil, Christopher Michel Kearney, and Erich J. Baker. "Protein classification using modified n-gram and skip-gram models."  Oxford Bioinformatics (2017)

  4. SM Ashiqul Islam, Christopher Michel Kearney, and Erich J. Baker. "Species agnostic identification of biologically stable peptide toxins". (Manuscript submitted)

  5. SM Ashiqul Islam, Christopher Michel Kearney, and Erich J. Baker."CSPred: A machine-learning-based compound model to identify the functional activities of biologically-stable toxins".   IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2017.

  6. Meron Ghidey, SM Ashiqul Islam, and Christopher Michel Kearney. "High-level expression of antimicrobial peptides in plant shows dependency on AMP peptide net charge. (Manuscript submitted on 10/06/2017)

  7. SM Ashiqul Islam, Ankan Choudhury, Meron Ghidey, and Christopher Michel Kearney. "Expression and purification of novel targeted Plectasin and Eurocine conjugated with a filamentous phage protein targeted to Staphylococcus". (Manuscript under preparation) 

List of patents

System and Method for Identifying Peptide Sequences. Publication number US20170327891 A1

Authors: SM Ashiqul Islam, Tanvir Sajed, Christopher Michel Kearney, Erich J Baker

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